Default Proxmox Container Template.

This will show how I set up a default container in Proxmox. This will be converted to a template that can easily be cloned as many times as I like, saving the hassle of remaking a fresh container each time, with all the setting I always use.

Part 1:Creating the container.

Note : If any option boxes have a coloured border, they are mandatory, any other options can be left as default.

When you see ‘TASK OK’, you can close this panel and open a console. Make sure you have highlighted the correct container in the far left menu and click on ‘>_console’ in the next panel or just below to ‘Create CT’ button.

You now have a bare bones container. Login in as root with the password you set.

Part 2: Setup the container.

Now you can log out by typing exit and login as your user.

Part 3: Converting to Template.

If you are now finished setting up the Container, you can convert it to a template ready to clone at a later date.

Part 4: Creating Container from Template.

When ready to create a container, select ‘Clone’ and it will create the container with the next available number. You will need to edit the new containers hostname and ip settings in the main Proxmox Panel.

Part 5: Optional Extras.


ADGuardHome is a self hosted ad blocker and local DNS server.

To Install: (All on one line)

curl -s -S -L | sh -s -- -v

Access with:



Neofetch can help identify the container when you login.

then add to the bash script to run automatically

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

then add to the bottom of the file, neofetch , then close save & close

the file with: Ctrl+O enter Ctrl+X. Now everytime you login, you will see information about the Container OS.


Add Cockpit to help with maintainance of the container.

sudo apt install cockpit -y

When installed, you will be able to access Cockpit with the IP address and port :9090.

If you don’t want the use port :9090, you can change it.

Start by creating the directory:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/cockpit.socket.d/

Then create the configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/cockpit.socket.d/listen.conf

Then paste into the configuration file:


then close save & close the file with: Ctrl+O enter Ctrl+X.

Now you can access cockpit on port :443 instead of :9090.

Adding a file manager to Cockpit.

Now refresh the browser page to see file manager in Cockpit.

Note: If you intend to use the NFS option, you will need to use a full VM instead of a Container, as a VM has it’s own Kernel to run the NFS Service.